Nice Cream Smoothie Bowl Breakfast Recipe

Nutrition per serving

kcal 323
protein 25g
carbs 46g
fat 5g


150g frozen strawberries

150g frozen raspberries

1 medium frozen banana worth of chunks (approx. 120g)

100ml - 150ml milk

2 Scoops Kinetica Strawberry Protein

2 tsp honey

100g plain Greek yogurt

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1. Blend strawberries, raspberries and banana chunks to a coarse crumb. Add 100ml of milk, protein, honey and Greek yogurt. Blend until smooth. Add up to 50ml more milk if necessary. We use the tamper for the blender to push the ingredientsdownso they blend with minimal liquid.

2. Serve in bowls immediately topped with strawberries, raspberries, bee pollen, coconut, cacao nibs, or even hemp seeds